Project Spotlight: "Girl In Her Twenties"
Capstone Film Lighting in action! Look at all the pretty LIGHTS we supplied - going crazy in this dance scene :) Capstone Film Lighting...

Lettering for Capstone's Grip Truck!
Today marks a historic day for Capstone Film Lighting! We applied our first signage for our Three Ton Grip Truck - and I think it looks...

What is an Apple Box? Please Help.
Let me tell you a story. A story that for those of you who know me, will shock you to your utter core. I once did not know what an Apple...

The 3-Ton and Me: A Week
This week I drove the 3-Ton truck to a film set every morning, and picked up every night. Depending on my schedule and the size of the...

CAPSTONE... The Blog!
This is my first blog post... EVER. So who knows if I'm going to do this right at all - but here goes nothing! Reasons for this blog: 1. ...